
This website is maintained by Johannes Lang. I am a graphic and type designer based in vienna.

This selection should give an idea of the commercial as well as self commissioned projects (like books, identities, graphics for exhibitions, or information visualisations) I am working on.

Sometimes I do lettering or design fonts. Together with Stefan Ellmer I resurrected the historical typefaces Stencil Gothic and Brevier Viennese, and researched non-alphabetic printing material.

I spent a year as a research fellow in the Computer Human Interaction Lab at the University of St Andrews.

Besides my practise as a designer I am teaching typography at the Universiy of applied arts Vienna. I used to tweet or post pictures of letters on flickr. And I am still trying to learn to toot on typo.social.


Johannes Lang
Große Mohrengasse 40
1020 Vienna, Austria

e-mail: jo@forming.space
phone: +43 650 342 5145